On 9 June 2020, ASEAN-China Media & Think-tank Online Forum was successfully held. Philippine Ambassador to China, Mme. Chen Shi, Deputy Editor-in-chief of CIPG and President of China Report Press attended the forum and delivered opening remarks. Mr. Pehin Dato Rahmani Dato Basir, Bruneian Ambassador to China, Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun, Indonesian Ambassador to China, Mr. Raja Dato’ Nushirwan Zainal Abidin, Malaysian Ambassador to China, Mr. Arthayudh Srisamoot, Thai Ambassador to China, Gen. Surasit Thanadtang, Chairman of Thailand-China Research Center of the Belt and Road Initiative, Mr. Thepchai Yong, President of Confederation of ASEAN Journalists, Mr. Dong Guoping, Senior Researcher of International Liaison Bureau of State
Council Information Office of China, and officials of 10 AMS embassies, media representatives and experts from ASEAN countries and China and officials of international organization, totaling around 70 people, participated in the event. This online forum, with the theme of “New Growth Points of ASEAN-China Digital Economy Cooperation”, was first held among the media and think-tanks of ASEAN and China by making use of digital technology. Participants exchanged views on how the media and think-tanks of ASEAN and China could give full play to their advantages to help strengthen digital economy cooperation and facilitate digital information sharing in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic.